Friday, 28 November 2008

SOLSTICE 2009 call for proposals

The 4th SOLSTICE Conference 'It's all in the blend?' has announced its call for papers. The 2009 conference aims to actively explore the 'blend' between innovation, research and development supported and blended online learning. To this end they welcome papers, presentations, demonstrations and posters on a range of themes. Of particular interest to the tele activity area is:
Technologies and learning environments - physical and virtual spaces
For example, the development and deployment of technologies and spaces for delivering appropriate learning and activities is a pertinent issue for learning technologists, practitioners and institutions alike. We particularly invite contributions which discuss the types of technologies and spaces currently in use in higher education.
However, it is worth noting that contributions are also welcomed on issues that do not readily fit into the categories identified in the call, but which can be aligned with the conference title, or that offer opportunity for debate and discourse around work in progress linked to the conference themes.

For full details of the call for proposals see
And for general information on the conference see

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